What makes your towel different than everyone else's?

Our home page goes into this in more detail but to put it simply:

  1. Our towels have bright colourful fabric patterns
  2. They are 'extra large' so they actually fit
  3. Our Triple Loop Systemallows for it to fluctuate between children and adults, different hair types, different hair lengths & between haircuts - NO OTHER HAIR TOWEL HAS EVER DONE THIS BEFORE


Why have elastic around the rim instead of without it like some other towels?

Not only does the elastic create tension around the rim of your head allowing it to sit comfortably without falling off, it also creates a 'cradle' making it easier to place the hair inside.


Who can wear it?

Even though this towel will fit everyone it has been designed for those with long thick hair.  Due to its flexibility between thinner and thicker hair we also recommend this product as a gift for pregnant women.

We recommend those with hair that surpasses their chest in length will find that this is comfortably fits on their head. The Turban Towel can also easily fluctuate between adults and children (we recommend 7yrs+).

Due to its multipurpose uses anyone can use it!


Why have a closed loop instead of open-ended towel?

These days it is not unheard of if you want to have a larger towel they are typically in a rectangle shape with an open end.

We decided against this as

  • That would also make the towel heavier due to all the excess fabric that you didn’t need
  • It makes water drip all over the floor and all down your back


How much water does it absorb?

Our towels hold x5 times their weight in water.  Because our towels are larger than everyone else, we can hold more water than everyone else.


How long does it take to dry?

Due to its quick-drying material qualities stick the towel in the sun and it will be dry within the hour!


How long should it last?

Our towels will last a long time, but for hygiene reasons we recommend that no matter where you get your hair towels from you change them every 12-18 months.  (If you wash your hair every single day we recommend changing them every 8/9 months)

Our towels are flexible between fresh, salt and chlorine water - and can interchange between these environments.  We personally prefer having a towel per environment to make each one last longer, and not have remnants of chlorine chemicals mixing with freshly washed hair etc.  If the towel is taken care of and washed between environments, a single towel will be sufficient.  It comes down to personal preference.